8am | 9:30am | 11am



We are a Christ-centered church & we exist to bring Jesus glory in all we do. Our life as the church is centered around God's self-revelation: the Bible. Trusting in the gospel, being transformed by God's grace, we love God, love others, & live in our community for the glory of God & the good of our neighbors.


Redeemer Church hosts a variety of events & Bible studies including a Wednesday night discipleship that takes place every week at 6:00PM . We also open our Food Pantry & Clothing Closet to the High Desert once a month to serve anyone in need.  You can find a regularly updated calendar of events here.


We are so glad you're here. We would love to connect with you and meet your family.  A great place on campus to find information (and get free coffee & donuts!) is in The Lodge where you can connect with a Home Bible Study Group,  sign up to serve, and join Bible studies. You can also visit our Contact page here for more information.

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Personal Devotions Plan

Part 1)

Purchase a prayer journal. Write down a daily prayer to God, specifically your most pressing prayer need for the day.
Part 2)
Read your Bible corresponding to the date to read the whole Bible in 1 year. Highlight, mark or take notes on verses that in particular spoke to you that day. Write down any questions you may have for that day. Note questions such as:
What does this say about God?
What does this say about me?
What attributes of God and his work are highlighted in this passage?
Part 3)

Read 4 pages a day from a Christian classic book. You would be surprised at how many good books you can read in a year by only reading 4 pages. On average just reading 4 pages a day will get you to read about 6-10 books per year!